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The Salt of the Earth

The Salt of the Earth

You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt has lost its flavor, with what will it be salted? It is then good for nothing, but to be cast out and trodden under the feet of men. Matthew 5:13 WEB

This is part of the Lord’s famous sermon on the mount. Before making this statement, Jesus taught the beatitudes, revealing who is truly blessed by God. With this sermon, Christ teaches the attitudes required to establish his kingdom here on earth.

In this scripture about the salt of the earth, Christ teaches the spreading and active demonstration of his word. Genuine discipleship protects from the rot of destruction that takes place in lives that are lacking in service and devotion to God.

Notably, salt is a preservative. It keeps food from spoiling. It brings flavor and stops food from becoming corrupt and rotting. Spreading salt and working it into perishable things such as meat preserves it for future consumption.

The Word of God Preserves Humanity

As salt keeps food from spoiling, spreading the word of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ preserves humanity. It keeps people from falling into corruption. It stops the decay of godlessness, immorality, and the degradation of life. Spreading the word of God saves those who receive it from being destroyed by sin.

More than that, as salt makes food taste better, spreading the word of God and the truth of Jesus Christ makes life more enjoyable. The salt of the genuine disciple changes cultures and lifestyles. It preserves nations. Sharing the good news of Jesus Christ protects eternal futures. In addition, it makes life on this planet more appealing, agreeable, and pleasant for all.

When we do not spread the word as disciples, the salt becomes worthless. When disciples fail to live humble, merciful, righteous lives, when we stop spreading the good word, we are like salt that has lost its flavor. Christ warns that this salt is no longer good for anything but to be cast out and walked on.

And so, let us be the salt of the earth, sharing the word of God and displaying the love of Jesus Christ to others. Let us show joy, patience, and kindness. Let us demonstrate peace, meekness, and mercy. As we hunger and thirst for righteousness, let us be salty and show the righteousness of Christ in our lives.  

Prayer: “Father God, thank you for your holy word and the revelation of the truth through Jesus Christ. Use me for your purposes. Make me the salt of the earth. In Jesus’ name – Amen”

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