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Christian Genesis "Building Faith" Devotionals

What is faith? We could say that faith is trust or confidence in someone or something. In a religious sense, faith is a belief in God or some form of religious doctrine. When it comes to Christianity, faith is a belief in the divinity of Jesus Christ. Here at Christian Genesis, that is what we believe. And so, we dedicate this category page to helping fellow believers in building faith.

We have faith that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God. Further, we believe that he came to earth to live a sinless life and pay the price for the sins of mankind. On the cross, Jesus paid our sin debt in full. The grace of God through our faith in Jesus Christ is what saves us from our sin. When we believe in Christ, we live lives that honor his sacrifice. In other words, because Jesus loves us, we love him and follow his teaching.

Our faith asserts that Jesus is God in human form. As such, believers in Christ willingly submit to his lordship and authority over our lives. We trust that Christ died and rose on the third day, defeating sin and death.

Hebrews 11:1 describes faith saying, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. KJV” Further, Romans 10:17 informs us, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. KJV” The word of God is the foundation of our faith.

Enjoy the content on this page as we support one another in efforts to build faith in our eternal Savior.

Building Faith