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Lead Me to the Rock

Lead Me to the Rock

From the end of the earth, I will call to you when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Psalm 61:2 WEB

This verse is from a psalm of King David. He wrote it as a plea and prayer to God. Pursued by his enemies, David turns to God for help and protection. When in desperation, the king cries out to the Lord saying, “Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” His desire is the safety of the presence of God.

David’s words, “from the end of the earth” indicate that he is far from his home in Jerusalem. Whether in Syria fighting or fleeing from Absalom his son, David knew his greatest source of strength was his relationship with the Creator. When overwhelmed, David found refuge and comfort in God.

Reliable Sanctuary

Having fought many times in the wilderness, David often sought shelter from his enemies among the rocks and high places. Using the word rock as a metaphor, David communicates that the Lord is a solid and reliable sanctuary.

When under assault from his enemies, the king knew where to turn. Although ruler of Israel, David relied on a power superior to his own. He went to God, the rock that is higher than himself.

For the faithful, God is our source of strength, power, and protection. As it says in Deuteronomy 20:4, “For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory. NIV”

As Christians, Jesus is our rock. We submit to him and depend upon our Savior for deliverance. Jesus is our safe haven from sin and our source of salvation. Like David says, “Lead me to the rock.” The Lord is our high ground and shelter.

Prayer: “Father God, you are my strength and my shield. Lead me to the rock that is you as I seek your face for shelter and comfort. I trust in you. Deliver me from temptation. Safeguard me from harm. In Jesus’ name – Amen”

Yesterday’s Devotional: My Grace Is Sufficient 

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