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What Is to Come

What Is to Come

For we don’t have here an enduring city, but we seek that which is to come. Hebrews 13:14 WEB

Traditionally, scholars attribute this letter to the apostle Paul but there is some confusion about who wrote it. Regardless, it is filled with practical advice for the believer. Notably the letter encourages perseverance, peacefulness, and praise. The writer encourages good works and unity, cooperating with spiritual leadership, and brotherly love.

The chapter holds Jesus, as always, to be the best example of Godly living. The work begins by reminding members to love one another as brothers and sisters. It prompts believers to show hospitality to strangers and to remember those who were in prison.

Further, our author instructs his readers to keep marriage pure by avoiding adulterous relationships. It continues by discouraging the love of money, urging believers to be content with the things they have. It warns against being carried away by strange teachings, reminding us that our hearts are strengthened by grace.

The Old Covenant and the New

The passage we are considering about what is to come follows a statement about how, in the old covenant, the high priest carried sacrificed animal bodies outside of the camp to burn them. Likewise, Jesus was crucified outside of the city gate. This reference shows the correlation between the Old Covenant and the new, revealing the foreshadowing of the coming of Christ.

Knowing that our ultimate destiny is to meet with Jesus in heaven, the church then, and we today, may see ourselves as pilgrims passing through the land on our way to our eternal reward in Christ. Therefore, we don’t have an enduring city here on earth, but we seek what is to come.

Prayer: “Father God, thank you for today and thank you for the glorious promise of what is to come in eternity with you. Give me the things I will need for now and lead me to do your will in all things. In Jesus’ name – Amen.”

Yesterday’s Devotional: Filled With the Holy Spirit

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