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The Word of The Lord

The Word of The Lord

So, he went and did according unto the word of the Lord: for he went and dwelt by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan. 1 Kings 17:5 KJV

As Christians, we have a personal relationship with the Lord. We also have the word of God in the Bible. When the prophet Elijah was told by God to go to King Ahab and declare that there would not be rain or dew on the Earth for an unspecified time, he obeyed the word of God and did as he was asked. After that, he did as the Lord commanded and went to the brook Cherith.

The Lord Will Supply Your Needs

God used the brook and some ravens to provide water and food for Elijah during the drought. We are all called to live by the will of God. Sometimes we do not know the outcome of our situation, but we do know that God is good and will provide for our needs. As we read in Philippians 4:19, “My God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. WEB” We do not need to know the outcome but only to trust in the word of the Lord knowing that God is good.

Elijah trusted in the Lord and followed God’s plan. He did not know how long the drought would be. He did not know if King Ahab would have him killed for giving a negative report. And yet, because of his obedience, he experienced God’s grace and provision. Elijah is an example for all of the children of God. We do not rely on our own understanding but live by the word of God.

Prayer: “Father God, you are gloriously good. Thank you for your word. Guide me as I study the bible and reveal your will to me with wisdom. In Jesus’ name – Amen”

Yesterday’s Devotional: Following God’s Commands

In Him We Live

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The Kingdom of God

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In Our Image

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