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We Must Obey God

We Must Obey God

But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men. The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom you killed, hanging him on a tree.” Acts 5:29-30 WEB

As the apostles shared the gospel message of Christ in Jerusalem they also healed the sick. In addition, they delivered men and women from the affliction of demons. Although they were highly regarded and converted many followers, outsiders to the growing church avoided contact with them. This was largely because they feared Jewish authorities who did not approve of the apostle’s preaching in the name of Jesus. 

The high priest and his fellow Sadducees opposed the apostles preaching that Christ was the Messiah. These men did not believe in resurrection and so they rejected the notion of the resurrected Christ. Jealous of the popularity and success of the apostles teaching of Jesus, these religious leaders arrested the apostles, having them placed in jail. Miraculously, an angel appeared in the jail. Opening the doors of the jail, the angel directed them to go and stand in the temple courts telling the people of new life in Jesus Christ. 

Share the Truth

Puzzled by their absence from the jail, the apostles were found teaching in the courts and were brought before the religious council of the Sanhedrin and questioned by the high priest. Reminded that they were forbidden to preach in the name of Christ, Peter offers the reasoning behind his civil disobedience. Confronted with the dilemma of civil authorities commanding their silence and Jesus commanding that they spread the  gospel, Peter says, “We must obey God.”

Scripture teaches that we submit to worldly authority, but in the event of conflict between obedience to God and obedience to man, Christians are taught we must obey God. In doing so, we submit to civil authority by accepting the consequences of this choice. Peter uses the opportunity to share the truth of the gospel with those present in the Sanhedrin. 

They Will Scourge You

After Peter’s testimony, an honored Pharisee named Gamaliel spoke to the Sadducees on the apostles behalf. He reasoned that if their teaching was of human origin it would fail. But, if the message was from God, resisting it is futile. This dissuaded the Sanhedrin from putting the apostles to death. 

However, for their civil disobedience, the apostles were beaten, and released. Christ prepared his followers for events such as these saying in Matthew 10:17, “But beware of men, for they will deliver you up to councils, and in their synagogues they will scourge you. WEB” 

Although the Sanhedrin again ordered the men to stop speaking in the name of Jesus, the apostles continued proclaiming the good news of Jesus as the resurrected Messiah. As Peter boldly proclaims, “we must obey God.” When it comes to conflict between the commands of God and commands of man, we do not sacrifice our loyalty to God to please other people. Rather, we accept the consequences of our devotion to the Lord.

Prayer: “Father God, thank you for the truth of the gospel message. Thank you for the faithful who spread the good news of salvation and eternal life in heaven. Give me strength and wisdom to share your word with the world. In Jesus name – Amen”

Yesterday’s Devotional: The Lord Your God

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