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We Are Dust

We Are Dust

For he knows how we are made. He remembers that we are dust. Psalm 103:14 WEB

We read in Genesis that God made Adam from the dust of the ground. The Lord then made Eve from a rib taken from Adam’s side. We are dust, made by God from the earth itself. They were without sin until the serpent seduced Eve to eat from the forbidden fruit. Since then, man has lived under a curse for disobeying the command of God.

Even though Eve ate first, we are told that Adam was the first man to sin. The Lord had told Adam not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil or he would surely die. Adam shared the command with his wife. And so, Adam was the first to violate a direct command from God when he ate from the forbidden fruit.

After the fall of man in the garden, God was true to his word. Adam and his wife were cast out of the garden and were subject to death as were all of their offspring from then until now. As the scriptures tell us, we are dust and when we die, we return to the dust. It is only through the intervention of God that we are restored to eternal life through our belief in Jesus Christ.

God’s Compassion

King David wrote the passage from Psalm 103 we are presenting today. It shows the compassion of God. God knows we are weak in comparison to him. The Lord knows that we do not live long on Earth. From birth until death, we suffer the consequences of sin, living as corruptible flesh. After all, our bodies are only material subject to degradation.

We are also spirit as we are made in the image of God. Our flesh will pass away, but our spirit has the opportunity to live eternally with the Lord. When we turn from our sin and to God, accepting the truth of the redemptive power of Jesus Christ, we are restored to right standing with the Lord and are given incorruptible bodies in heaven. God is full of grace and mercy. The Lord loves us beyond our comprehension.

Prayer: “Father God, praise your name. Thank you for the gift of salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ. You know me better than I know myself. Guide me through this life to live by your will. Give me strength in Christ and wisdom to live a life that is pleasing to you. In Jesus’ name – Amen”

Yesterday’s Devotional: Those That Love God

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