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The Wedding

The Wedding

Jesus also was invited, with his disciples, to the wedding. John 2:2 WEB

During a wedding feast in the city of Cana, Jesus began to show the signs and wonders that reinforced his disciple’s understanding of his divinity. When the wine ran out, Jesus subtly performed a miracle. He turned water into wine. Only the servants, Jesus’ mother, and his disciples witnessed the fulness of the event. The miracle of turning water to wine at the wedding in Cana revealed Jesus’ glory to his disciples while bolstering their faith in him.

When the first miracle of Jesus’ ministry took place, the Lord only had a handful of followers. Jesus was in the process of selecting the twelve. One of the disciples already called to Christ at this point was Nathaniel. Nathaniel was from Cana. And so, it is likely that Jesus and his disciples’ invitation to the wedding came because they were associates of Nathaniel. 

The Hour of the Lord

At the wedding, it is Jesus’ mother who informed him that the wine ran out. Jesus’ response is interesting. The Lord said in John 2:4, “Woman, what does that have to do with you and me? My hour has not yet come. WEB” Jesus’ words indicate that it was not yet time to reveal the fullness of his divine authority. What Mary already knew about Jesus’ as the Son of God, the Lord convincingly revealed to his followers over the course of his three year ministry.

From the manner of her conception, Mary knew the divine nature of Jesus. From angelic revelation, Mary knew Jesus was the promised Messiah, the Savior of mankind. For his disciples, the miracle of changing water to wine began the process of revealing Jesus’ divinity. The miracle at the wedding served to strengthen the faith of Jesus’ first followers. 

Prayer: ‘Father God, thank you for the truth of scripture. Thank you for increasing my faith with your holy word. Lead me away from temptation. Guide me to do your will in accordance with your word. In Jesus’ name – Amen” 

Yesterday’s Devotional: Seek Me

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