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The Lord is a Fortified Tower

The Lord is a Fortified Tower

The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. Proverbs 18:10 NIV

There is power and eternal durability in the name of the Lord. God is good, merciful, patient, mighty and so many other great things. In this proverb, Solomon calls the Lord a fortified tower. This is how he is revealed to us as believers. He is a protector. He is the supreme provider. When we live by his word and in his will, we can count on being safe from sin.

In Matthew 4:4, when Satan tries to tempt Jesus to turn stone to bread, Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ NIV” Christ, in his righteousness, went to the scriptures to overcome his adversary. The word of God is like a fortified tower. Jesus Christ is the Word of God made flesh. When we live by the word, we are safe.

When we encounter negative circumstances, when temptation comes, we can run to the name of the Lord, and we will be safe. The blood of Jesus Christ is our righteousness. Live in the will of God. Live by the word of God. Run to him. He is our fortified tower!

Prayer: “Father God, holy is your name. Thank you for the promise of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. Lead me to follow your will. I have nothing to fear when my actions are pleasing to you. In Jesus’ name – Amen”

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