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The God of Peace

The God of Peace

The things which you learned, received, heard, and saw in me: do these things, and the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:9 WEB

With these words, Paul urges his readers to actively serve the church. Paul concludes this short letter to the Philippians with advice to be of one mind in settling disagreements among themselves. He directs them to rejoice in their fellowship and let their gentleness be evident to all people.

Rather than focusing on minor differences, Paul exhorts the Philippians to seek the God of peace in prayer and to center their minds on positive issues. He writes in Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honorable, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report: if there is any virtue and if there is any praise, think about these things. WEB”

Be Doers of the Word

Next, Paul instructs his readers to follow his example in four aspects. He teaches the church to put what they have learned, received, heard, and saw in him into practice in their daily lives. In other words, they are commanded to follow the example he and others set for them in service to the Lord. As James says in James 1:22, “But be doers of the word, and not only hearers, deluding your own selves. WEB” The church is promised that if they follow Paul’s instruction, “the God of peace” will be with them.

This is ultimately a directive to imitate the faithful. Jesus commands that we love one another as he loves us. Paul directs the church to fulfill this command. As he writes in Ephesians 5:1-2, “Be therefore imitators of God, as beloved children. Walk in love, even as Christ also loved us and gave himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling fragrance. WEB”

Prayer: “Father God, you are the God of peace. Thank you for the examples of love in your holy word. Help me to focus on things that please you and to reject the things that do not. Give me wisdom and strength to do your will. In Jesus’ name – Amen”

Yesterday’s Devotional: We Will Serve the Lord

The Lord Our God

And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment....

The Day of Pentecost

Now when the day of Pentecost had come, they were all with one accord in one place. Acts 2:1 WEB The word “Pentecost” derives from the Greek word for “fiftieth.” It is seven weeks and a day after the Sabbath associated with the Feast of Unleavened Bread. On the Day of...

Sent From God

There came a man, sent from God, whose name was John. John 1:6 WEB John the Apostle begins his gospel introducing two men. First, John presents Christ as the Word of God and the agent of creation, present with God in the beginning. As we read in John 1:1-5, “In the...