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Seek His Face

Seek His Face

My heart says of you, “Seek his face!” Your face, Lord, I will seek. Do not hide your face from me, do not turn your servant away in anger; you have been my helper. Do not reject me or forsake me, God my Savior. Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me. Psalm 27:8-10 NIV

Have you ever needed someone, but it seemed that everyone had turned their back on you? Maybe you had made a mistake or maybe someone had started a vicious rumor about you that was not true and no matter where you sought comfort and support, you found none. There are times for most of us when these circumstances happen, and we can always turn to the Lord for help.

Faithful to Forgive

In this Psalm, David is turning to God as the Savior he has relied on in times of need. The Bible teaches that the Lord sees all and already knows our struggles. We can count on God to be there for us even when our mothers and fathers might turn away. Sometimes, we need correction. God is faithful to hear our plea and forgive our sins when we are sincerely repentant.

We sometimes need a sympathetic ear and divine help. In this scripture, David was suffering from personal attacks that were unfair and through faith he was seeking the comfort and reassurance that can only come from our heavenly Father. David knew to seek the face of the Lord. Whenever we need him, when we are sincere in our belief, God is always there to receive us.

Prayer: “Father God, thank you for receiving me. Help me to be strong and endure the trials of life. I seek your face before all things. Keep me in your way and in your joy no matter what happens in my life. Forgive me as I forgive those who have offended me. In Jesus’ name – Amen.”

Yesterday’s Devotional: May I Never Boast

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