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Pray for One Another

Pray for One Another

Confess your offenses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The insistent prayer of a righteous person is powerfully effective. James 5:16 WEB

Chapter five of James’ epistle begins with a warning to the rich who oppress the poor. Continuing, James then encourages the faithful to patiently endure suffering as they wait for the return of the Lord. In verse thirteen of chapter five in his epistle, James transitions to the topic of faithful prayer. Here, he teaches church members to confess their sins and pray for one another. 

James inspired the church to openly share their sins. This act of confession demonstrates openness to change, honesty, and accountability. As we make known our faults, we expose ourselves to the light of God’s righteousness. Ephesians 5:13 teaches, “But all things, when they are reproved, are revealed by the light, for everything that reveals is light. WEB” When we confess our sins to God and man, we acknowledge the error of our ways and open ourselves to forgiveness and healing. 

Sin No More

In addition, James encouraged the church to pray for one another. In times of trouble, James recommends prayer. When a member is sick, James leads the church to pray for healing. He wrote in James 5:15, “and the prayer of faith will heal him who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. If he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. WEB” 

Sin and suffering go hand in hand. For this reason, Jesus said to the paralytic he healed in John 5:14, ‘Behold, you are made well. Sin no more, so that nothing worse happens to you. WEB” To experience the good things of God, scripture teaches us to turn away from sin and toward God’s righteousness. 

As we pray for one another, the righteousness of Christ is our focus. We read in Proverbs 15:29, “The LORD is far from the wicked: but he heareth the prayer of the righteous. KJV” For our prayers to be effective, James teaches us to fervently petition God in the righteousness of Christ.  

Prayer: ‘Father God, thank you for the truth of your holy word. Thank you for forgiving my sins. Guide me in righteousness with your word. As we pray for one another, heal the sickness and sin in the lives of those who truly seek you. In Jesus’ name – Amen”

Yesterday’s Devotional: Righteousness of God

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