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Perfect in Jesus Christ

Perfect in Jesus Christ

We proclaim him, admonishing every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus; Colossians 1:28 WEB

The apostle Paul wrote this letter to the Colossians. This verse gives Paul’s purpose, process, and reasoning behind his preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In this short passage, Paul packs a lot into this short statement. He mentions the sharing or proclamation of the message of Jesus. Also, he writes that he teaches and disciplines, or maybe a better word would be counsels, fellow believers. In addition, he informs the reader that he does these things in order that each member may be “perfect” or mature in Christ Jesus.

Proclaiming Christ is part of a believer’s responsibility. As we read Jesus’ words to his disciples in Mark 16:15, “He said to them, “Go into all the world, and preach the Good News to the whole creation. WEB” As followers of Jesus, we are commanded by him to proclaim the Word of God to the world. Paul communicates that he is faithfully performing this duty.

Paul also admonishes others in his service to the Lord. This simply means that he uses the word of God to counsel and correct fellow believers. Using the word of God to help people through their struggles and to better understand how to live godly lives, Paul communicates the love and life of Jesus Christ in service to others.

Teaching the Commands of Christ

Teaching the word of God, Paul helps the world to understand the Christian point of view. This is not worldly wisdom. It is spiritual wisdom. This involves teaching salvation from sin through belief in Christ. Also, it entails teaching believers to follow the commandments of Christ. After his resurrection, Jesus sends his disciples to spread the gospel message. In Matthew 28:20 the Lord says they should be, “teaching them to observe all things that I commanded you. WEB”

Finally, Paul mentions presenting every man as “perfect.” This is about maturity in Christ. When we first believe, we know very little about the faith. As we grow in understanding of the word and will of God, we mature or are “perfected” in our faith. This involves teaching grace, holiness, the righteousness of Christ and obedience to his commands.

Prayer: “Father God, thank you for the wisdom of your holy word. Increase my understanding. Guide me to live perfect in Jesus Christ. Help me to be more like you. In Jesus’ name – Amen”

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