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Now We Believe

Now We Believe

They said to the woman, “Now we believe, not because of your speaking; for we have heard for ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world.” John 4:42 WEB

Jesus met a woman in Samaria drawing water from a well. The locals called the water source Jacob’s well because the land around there had belonged to Jacob. Tired from the journey, Jesus asked the Samaritan woman for a drink. It shocked the woman that a Jew would ask a Samaritan for water because they usually didn’t associate with one another. What ensued, led to many of her townspeople to place their faith in Christ saying, “now we believe.”

At the well, Jesus said these words from John 4:13-14, “Jesus answered and said unto her, whosoever drinks of this water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. KJV” Of every worldly pleasure there is no satisfaction. The thirst always returns, but Jesus fills us and satisfies our eternal need to be connected to God.

During their conversation, Jesus told the woman about her many marriages. He also told her that he knew that the man she was currently with was not her husband. The woman was astonished that he knew so much about her and thought that Jesus was a prophet. He revealed to her that he was the Jewish Messiah. As Christ’s disciples arrived at the well, she left her water jar and went away to tell the people of her town about this amazing man she had met.

Sharing Belief

The Samaritan woman believed that Jesus was the Christ and shared her story with her townspeople. They promptly went to meet him. Her faith and sharing of the story brought many people to Christ. When they met Jesus, some townspeople invited him to stay with them and he did for two days. Because of his teaching, many more of the townspeople gave themselves to Christ, saying to the Samaritan woman, “now we believe.”

This is an encouraging story for the disciples of Christ. Sharing the good news to a single person can result in many people being saved, saying, “now we believe.” All of Christ’s disciples had come to the well, but it was a solitary Samaritan woman, who many would have considered ill-suited to spread the good news, whose testimony won so many to the Lord.

Prayer: “Father God, guide me to recognize every opportunity I have to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. Make me bold and give me the words I need to share the truth of the gospel that many others say, “now we believe.” In Jesus’ name – Amen”

Yesterday’s Devotional: In the Love of God

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