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Love in Deed and Truth

Love in Deed and Truth

My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth. 1 John 3:18 KJV

We all desire to be loved and each of us wants to be thought of as a loving person. This scripture helps us to understand what it means to love someone in Christ. Love is an action. Love is sacrifice. It is easy to say that we love. It is easy to speak as though we love but true love is proven by the actions that we take.

The Greek word “agape” is the term used for love in this passage. This word means selfless, sacrificial love. Jesus Christ is the best example of this type of love. Christ spoke of love, and he proved it with his actions. Jesus healed the sick. He washed his disciple’s feet. He suffered on the cross to pay for our sins. Christ demonstrated the true love of the Father in all that he did.

In obedience to God, we are to show this sacrificial love in service to God. Like a mother that stays up all night caring for a sick child, we are to make sacrifices for one another out of genuine care and concern.

Prayer: “Father God, thank you for loving me. Thank you for the example of true love that you gave through Jesus Christ. Lead me to love as you love and direct my steps all the days of my life. Help me to love in deed and in truth. In Jesus’ name – Amen”

Yesterday’s Devotional: Prayer and Petition

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