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Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27 KJV

In this scripture, Jesus comforts his followers. The disciples found it troubling when the Lord explained that he was going back to the Father. Christ knew that this was disturbing news but reassured that if his followers love him, he will live in them, and they will live in him. He promised to send the Spirit of truth to comfort and guide them.

The same is true for us when we accept Jesus and follow his example of love. We receive his peace. We were at odds with a righteous God, but Jesus made peace by atoning for our sin through his sacrifice on the cross.

Jesus Gives Permanent Peace

The world gives an imperfect peace, often shattered by the violence of war, or crime, or trials like sickness and disease. On the other hand, Jesus gives permanent peace. Knowing that he receives us into eternal life, Christ gives spiritual peace that transcends our worldly troubles. 

Jesus knew that once his disciples saw him resurrected, they would have the peace to endure the troubles they would face, knowing that he had overcome death. And so, let not your heart be troubled, Jesus has already won. We live in victory in Jesus Christ.

​Prayer: “Father God, thank you for my salvation in Jesus Christ. Thank you for his words, “Let not your heart be troubled.” Guide me to do your will. Keep me in your perfect peace.  In Jesus’ name – Amen”

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