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Leave Your Country

Leave Your Country

Now the Lord said to Abram, “Leave your country, and your relatives, and your father’s house, and go to the land that I will show you.” Genesis 12:1 WEB

Before Abraham and Sarah became the parents of Issac and the progenitors of the lineage of the nation of Israel, they lived in Haran in modern day Turkey. Their names at the time were Abram and Sarai. They were descendants of pagans who worshiped other gods. Abram’s father Terah took his son Abram and other family members from the city of Ur in what is today southern Iraq. He intended to settle in Canaan in what today is mostly modern Israel. But they did not settle there. Instead they settled in Hurran which is in modern day southeastern Turkey.

The city of Hurran still exists today. While living in Hurran, our Creator, the Living God, revealed himself to Abram. In one of the most significant scriptures in Genesis, God instructs Abram saying, “Leave your country.” This marks the beginning of God establishing the nation of Israel. In response to the Lord’s command to “leave your country,” Abram took his wife Sarai and his nephew Lot and headed for Canaan. 

The Promised Land

When they arrived in Canaan, it was inhabited by the Canaanites. While at Shechem, about midway between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea, west of the Jordan river, the Lord appeared to Abram. God said to Abram in Genesis 12:7, “I will give this land to your offspring. WEB” After commanding Abram, saying “leave your country,” God rewarded Abram’s faithful response with the promise of a new home and new land for his descendants.  

In Abram’s interactions with God we see two distinct traits. First, he obeys the commands of God without question, proving his faith. Also, Abram is willing to leave his sinful pagan roots behind in order to follow the will of God. Through Abram, who became Abraham, God reveals himself. The Lord led a family that became Israel away from the worship of false gods and idols and created a nation that worships and serves him, the one true God of creation.

Prayer: “Father God, thank you for the history of faithfulness recorded in your holy word. Thank you for the examples of godly men and women. I trust in you. Guide me to live according to your will, serving your purpose. In Jesus’ name – Amen”

Yesterday’s Devotional: In Vain

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