Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV
Jesus accomplished something magnificent on the cross. When he died, Christ paid the sin debt of all who believe in him and repent from sin. Jesus reconciled believers to God. Anyone who does the will of God and accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior, he is a new creature.
A New Creation
In his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul asserts that sincere followers of Christ are something more than they were before. True Christians are forgiven. We do not live under the condemnation of sin. A believer is a new creation. We have been justified by the blood of Jesus. The old nature has died and been replaced by the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Redeemed from our former fallen state, we are born again and considered blameless by God.
Our old lives have gone away. The selfish ambitions of the past are no longer present. A Christian submits to the will of God and lives in obedience to his word. She or he is a new creature. Being in Christ means that we follow the example and commands of Jesus. No longer worldly, Christians live in the Spirit. We are new creatures in Christ.
No longer slaves to sin, we do not live in the flesh. Our new nature is a commitment to living lives that are pleasing to God. This is nothing that we have accomplished but it is by the grace of God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross.
Prayer: “Father God, you are loving and merciful. Thank you for accepting me because of my belief in Jesus. Keep me in your way. Lead me to do your will in this world. Guide me to live a life of service that is pleasing to you. In Jesus’ name – Amen”
Yesterday’s Devotional: Pray for Me