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Faithful to God

Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Psalm 119:11 KJV

In Proverbs 4:23 Solomon teaches, “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. KJV” Many scholars agree that David wrote Psalm 119. In it, the psalmist makes this beautiful statement about hiding the word of God in his heart. David gives his reason for hiding God’s word in his heart. He did this to keep him faithful to God, free from sinning against the Lord. When we consider that the issues of life flow from what we allow in our hearts, this makes perfect sense.

Serving God

If we want to serve sin, then we let sin in our hearts and a worldly life will follow. On the other hand, if we intend to follow God, we want to fill our hearts with his word so that the good things of God will readily flow into our lives.

This is particularly important for moms and dads to consider. When we raise our children serving God, we create reservoirs of Godly actions that will naturally flow from the demonstration of the word that has been placed in their hearts. Conversely, when we demonstrate sinful lives, our children are at a disadvantage because of what they have seen and heard.

In our individual lives, we have Christ to cleanse us from the sinful aspects of life that we have allowed into our hearts. And so, if we had not been faithful to God, there is still hope. And yet, it would have been better had we focused on the things of God. Once we commit to Christ, we are on the right track. To stay there, study the word and be faithful to God. Put the word into practice and let the Lord’s word direct your steps.

Prayer: “Father God, thank you for your word and your wisdom. Give me understanding as I study your word and commit it to my heart. Help me to resist sin as I grow in my relationship with you. In Jesus’ name – Amen”

Yesterday’s Devotional: Cleanse Your Conscience

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