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Asleep in Jesus

Asleep in Jesus

But we don’t want you to be ignorant, brothers, concerning those who have fallen asleep, so that you don’t grieve like the rest, who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus.  1 Thessalonians 4:13-14 WEB

Jesus Christ conquered sin and death with his sacrifice on the cross and resurrection from the grave. Because God raised Jesus from the dead, as Christians we have hope that the Lord will raise us to eternal life after the end of our natural lives. Paul addresses these issues because of misconceptions some members of the church in Thessalonica had concerning the end times.

Paul uses the words “asleep in Jesus” as a euphemism for death. This description is particularly appropriate because of the relationship between the sleeping and waking of man in life. Just as those who fall asleep expect to wake from their slumber, those who die believing in Christ and serving the will of God can expect to rise on the last day and spend eternity in heaven. 

Jesus Is the Resurrection

When a member of the Christian faith dies, it is both a sad and a joyous occasion. Surely we will miss those who depart before we do and grieve the loss of our friends and family, but we do not grieve like the world grieves. We have the hope of the promise of Jesus Christ. As Jesus says to Martha in John 11:25  before he raised her brother Lazarus from death, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will still live, even if he dies. WEB”

Concerning the end times for those asleep in Christ, Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 4:16, “For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with God’s trumpet. The dead in Christ will rise first. WEB” After those who are asleep in Jesus rise, those believers who remain alive are caught up in the clouds with the Lord and ascend to heaven with Jesus. Paul encourages believers to comfort one another with this understanding of our eternal life in heaven.

Prayer: “Father God, thank you for forgiving my sins. For those asleep in Jesus, thank you for the promise of eternal life in the kingdom of heaven. Help me to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. Give me wisdom. Help me to give comfort to those in grief. In Jesus’ name – Amen”

Yesterday’s Devotional: From Death to Life

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