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According to Your Word

According to Your Word

How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. Psalm 119:9 WEB 

David wrote this verse proclaiming the virtue of living in accordance with God’s word. He directs his words to the Lord saying that a young man keeps his purity by “living according to your word.” Some think that David wrote this Psalm as a young man in reference to himself. A broader view is that he means all young men. Especially in youth, we are prone to mistakes and sin. The carnal temptations of youth are many and experience with consequences is limited. Because of this, a young person is prone to make more mistakes than an older, wiser person.

Whether David refers to himself or any young man, this message is meant to inform the reader of the acceptable way to live life. God loves everyone. Because of this, his word gives instruction on how to live righteous lives. This is important to individuals, families, communities, and nations at large as the word of God gives moral foundation for living productive lives free of offense.

A Man After His Own Heart

When we think of David, we remember his love for the Lord. In fact, the scriptures describe David in 1 Samuel 13:17 as “a man after his own heart. KJV” David not only loved God, but he also sought God’s love and approval. In contrast, we remember times when David offended the Lord. For example, he took Bathsheba as a wife after having an adulterous affair and caused her husband to be killed.

In other words, David knew the word of God and had good intentions of keeping his purity but still gave into temptation. Because of this, he suffered greatly and even lost the son that was born of the adultery to a tragic early death. After being confronted with his sin, David repented and turned from his sinful way of life.

We learn a lot about the consequences of failing to follow God’s word and God’s will from the life and Psalms of David. We need to know the word of God, but it is equally important to apply it to our daily lives. In the end, we need to be able to honestly say to God, “I lived according to your word.”

Prayer: “Father God, thank you for your holy word. Give me wisdom to better understand it. Help me to live according to your word. In Jesus’ name – Amen”

Yesterday’s Devotional: Rise From the Dead

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