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A Second Time

A Second Time

Nicodemus said to him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb, and be born?” John 3:4 WEB

There are two distinct times of life for those who are born again in Jesus Christ. The first period of life is spent in the natural fallen state of man, living in sin and unrepentant. This natural state is defined by the flesh and its desires. A second time of life comes after repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This period of life is directed by the Holy Spirit and defined by obedience to the will of God.

Nicodemus was a Pharisee and a leader amongst the Jews. He was curious about Christ because he saw his signs and wonders and knew that Christ could not perform these acts unless God was with him. Immediately upon speaking with Christ, Jesus began to challenge Nicodemus’s spiritual understanding in an effort to expand his understanding. 

Born Anew

First, Jesus presents the idea of being born a second time. Born again Christians understand the significance of dying to sin in order to come alive to the Spirit of God. But Nicodemus struggled to grasp the concept. Christ says in John 3:3, ‘Most certainly, I tell you, unless one is born anew, he can’t see God’s Kingdom. WEB” Nicodemus’ response indicates his misunderstanding and confusion over the subject.

Of course, Jesus is not referring to physical birth for a second time. He is using the birthing process of natural man as a metaphor for a new birth into the spiritual realm of God. As our mothers endure physical pain to give us life here on earth, Christ endured physical suffering on the cross in order to give sinful man a new spiritual life.

By the Grace of God

Because of what Jesus did on the cross, the debt we owed to God for our sins is paid in full. With the acceptance of Christ as our Savior, we are saved from the consequences of our sin by the grace of God. We are born again when we put our faith in Christ, repent from our sins, and turn to do the will of our Father in heaven. 

When we follow our own ambitions and the nature of our flesh, we live in sin, outside the will of God. On the other hand, when we put our faith in Christ and agree to submit in obedience to God, we receive the Holy Spirit as our guide and counselor. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is our second birth. No longer driven by the carnal desires of the flesh, we resist the temptation to sin and follow the Spirit of God in our salvation from sin and death.

Prayer: “Father God, thank you for my salvation. Thank you for the example of your perfect Son, Jesus Christ. Lead in your will. Help me to follow where your Holy Spirit leads me. In Jesus’ name – Amen”

Yesterday’s Devotional: He Gives More Grace

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