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A Man Traveling

A Man Traveling

For the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. Matthew 25:14 KJV

Chapter twenty-five of Matthew’s gospel begins with the parable of the ten virgins. In the parable, Jesus teaches the importance of maintaining preparation for the return of our Savior. The Lord emphasizes that we do not know the day or the hour of his return. Following this, Christ teaches the parable of the bags of gold. In this parable, he likens the kingdom of heaven to a man traveling into a far country. Before leaving, the man entrusts his wealth to three of his servants. 

The detail describing a man traveling is a reference to Chrit himself. Soon, Jesus will leave his disciples and return to our Father in heaven. After his sacrifice for our sin and his resurrection from the tomb, Jesus showed himself to the disciples to demonstrate the truth of his divinity. In addition, the Lord entrusted his ministry to his followers until his ultimate return at the end of the age in the second coming.

Be Productive in Service

Already having taught the importance of readiness for his return, Jesus’ parable of the traveling man and the bags of gold teaches what his faithful followers should do while in anticipation of his return. In this story, the Lord describes leaving his servants with varying levels of responsibility according to their ability. To one he gives five bags of gold. Another receives two bags while the final servant receives one.  

Upon returning from his journey, the man finds that two of his servants have faithfully used his wealth to acquire more for their master. But, the servant with one bag of gold did nothing but hide it in order to return exactly what he was given. The master responds favorably to the first two servants who increased his wealth giving them more. In contrast, he is displeased with the servant who did nothing. In Matthew 25:14 he says of the man who hid his wealth, “Throw out the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. WEB”

Jesus is like a man traveling to a far away land. He trusts us to increase the wealth of individuals in his Father’s kingdom. He gave each of us a portion of his wealth. The simple illustration of wealth in the story is material but in truth the wealth we receive is the gospel message of salvation from sin and death by the grace and love of God. Jesus entrusts us to actively share this message with the world. As we do so, we increase his wealth by bringing more believers into the kingdom of heaven.  

Faith Without Works Is Dead

When we share God’s love with the world, we increase the degree to which portions of this world resemble the kingdom of heaven. As faithful, active, productive servants, Jesus rewards us with more and more of his wealth. That wealth is spiritual growth, wisdom, and greater understanding of godliness. 

On the other hand, if we neglect our responsibility and do nothing, we lose everything. We must act upon our faith to increase the wealth of souls won to the kingdom of God. As we read in James 2:26, “For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, even so faith apart from works is dead. WEB” 

Prayer: ‘Father God, thank you for the truth of your holy word. Thank you for the parable of Christ as we see that your holy Son is like a man traveling to a distant land. Give me wisdom and boldness to proclaim the truth of the gospel in this world. Help me to serve you and your purpose. In Jesus’ name – Amen” 

Yesterday’s Devotional: No Other Gods

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