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Trust the Lord

Trust the Lord

Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. Psalm 37:5 KJV

In this passage, King David tells us to trust the Lord. He instructs us to commit to living Godly lives. We do this by following the principles and standards of the Lord. Therefore, it is necessary that we know God through his word, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Commitment is living life in obedience to the will of God.

God Is Reliable

Trust is directly related to faith. We believe in God, and we believe in Jesus Christ. Our faith leads us to trust that the Lord is righteous and faithful to fulfill the promises he has made to believers. We know that God is reliable and able to provide for our every need.

If we commit to the Lord and trust in him, God will protect us. When we are wronged by others or slandered, we do not have to get upset or seek revenge. God will vindicate us.

When difficulties of any kind threaten our peace, we can rely on God’s word. Lay your burdens down and let the Lord pick them up. 1 Peter 5:7 says of Jesus, “casting all your worries on him, because he cares for you. WEB” Worry is unnecessary. God loves you and has a solution for every problem.

Stay committed to living a life that is pleasing to God and trust in the Lord. Our heavenly Father has our best interests in mind, and he will answer our prayers.

Prayer: “Father God, I trust you. I am committed to living life in obedience to your will. Thank you for giving me peace of mind in the middle of the storms of life. I know you will always provide a way. In Jesus’ name – Amen.”

Yesterday’s Devotional: The Father of Compassion

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