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The Deep and Secret Things

The Deep and Secret Things

He reveals the deep and secret things. He knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with him. Daniel 2:22 WEB

God knows all things, even the deep and secret things. He knows our thoughts and prayers. He knows our emotions and plans. The Lord knows our dreams, even the dreams we have while sleeping. Our Creator is of unimaginable and unfathomable intelligence. He is all knowing.

In the second year of the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, the king was troubled by dreams. Disturbed by his sleepless nights, the king summoned his magicians, sorcerers, astrologers, and enchanters. Nebuchadnezzar asks the so-called wise men to tell him about his dream from the night before.

The wise men ask the king to reveal the dream so that they might interpret it for him. However, Nebuchadnezzar did not trust the value in that arrangement. He declared that they would tell him the content of his dream, or that all wise men in Babylon would be put to death. Of course, the men could not read his mind and so they failed to reveal the content of the dream.

Daniel’s Friends Plead to God

When Babylon defeated The Kingdom of Judah, select members of the Judean upper class were taken into captivity. Daniel was one of these captives. He and his friends were considered wise men. When word reached Daniel of the king’s decree, he urged his friends to plead with God that he and they would not be killed.

That night, Daniel received a vision from God that revealed the mystery of the king’s dream. Daniel’s words of how God “reveals the deep and secret things” are part of a praise he offers to God for revealing the content of the dream.

After God revealed Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, Daniel approached a servant of the king and asked to be taken to him in order that the wise men of Babylon would be saved. Daniel then goes to the king, revealing the dream and interpreting it. But beyond that, he reveals that only the one true God has the ability to search the hearts and minds of men. Daniel humbly credits the Lord for the understanding that saved himself and the others.

Prayer: “Father God, you know the deep and secret things. You know me better than I do. Give me wisdom to serve your will. Help me to live according to your purpose. In Jesus’ name – Amen”

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